Mabel Sunga Acosta

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Balay Dangupan

Coun. Mabel Sunga Acosta's Pre-Birthday Celebration

Last September 19, 2014, Coun. Mabel Sunga Acosta, had a pre-birthday celebration at Balay Dangupan. She brought food and school supplies for the kids to enjoy. The children prepared a dance number for the birthday celebrator. Likewise, the office staff also showcased a dance number of their own. Before ending the small celebration, Coun. Acosta gave them a DVD copy of the movies, The Book of Thief and The Lion King, for the kids entertainment. The occasion also served as a birthday party for one of the girls in the rehabilitation center who is celebrating her birthday on that day. Thus, a birthday is truly a happy one when the happiness is shared.

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