Mabel Sunga Acosta

Monday, May 07, 2018

From Grime to Spic-and-Span

From Grime to Spic-and-Span

Panorama shot of the Mural at Amaara Financial Corporation during its last stage of completion.
            The remarkable Van Gogh’s Starry Night was indeed an inspiration to some artist to go forth with new ways to express their artistry which brought life to the elusive pieces of art we have right now. Different astonishing art pieces and creativeness were on the walls of some of the famous galleries, museums and even in high streets worldwide. Can you imagine how artistic we are? can we transform a grime to a spic-and-span creation? Art undeniably can never go wrong in expressing one’s self, regardless on the methods, ways and materials used, art is still art.

Some of the many ways is Mural, which is a painting applied to and made integral with the surface of a wall or ceiling with a distinct characteristic where the architectural elements of the location or the wall itself are harmoniously fused with the subject. Nowadays, it is one of the millennials means of expressing their inventiveness and boldness which as the years passed has been so very popular and in-demand because it goes beyond art fairs and exhibits. This kind of street art is a big part of urban culture and has reached every corner of the world. Some even used this to cover the vicious vandals in the walls of the streets and buildings which were visually unpleasant to the eyes. And for some, they considered this as their profession, calling and mission in life - to bring color and bliss to our unseen spaces. With which, we are undoubtedly natural born artists.

Many countries, towns and cities like Sao Paulo, Mexico, New York City, Los Angeles, Melbourne, India and Metro Manila, most especially in the infamous Bonifacio Global City in Taguig, have initiated murals as a mean to attract tourists and as a form of livelihood. Primarily for muralists, it is not about the money they earned from the mural, instead when their work gets the attention and praises of many people, it springs them with self-fulfillment, self-worthiness and honor.

Here in Davao City, we take pride for our very own “Muralist Davao” headed by Mr. Perry Lequigan. The Muralist Davao is a group of professional and rooky muralists that engage into expressing their own artistry in the form of Mural Painting. One of their projects is a Street Mural in the wall of Amaara Financial Corporation at Jacinto Extention, Barangay 10-A, Davao City. Before, said wall was full of vandals and other markings which gave a bit of negative impression from the people passing by. (Who would want something like that? No one.) Hence the initiative of transforming the grimed wall into a vibrant and lively piece of street art.

Amaara's wall before the mural.

Through the collaborative effort of Councilor Mabel Sunga Acosta, Mr. Jondi Lacson of Amaara, Mr. Ramon Gaw of Colourland Inc. and Mr. Litho Mojares of Davies Paints, the project was realized. Further, this project is not only for walls with vandals but also to parking lots, pavements, bridges, abandoned walls, buildings and establishments through the request and/or with permission of the owners or authorities.

Mr. Perry Lequigan with Mr. Litho Mojares (Davies Paints) and Councilor Mabel Acosta
during the ocular visit at Amaara Financial Corporation. 

Initial meeting and planning with Mr. Jondi Lacson (Amaara) and Mr. Perry Lequigan.

Muralist Davao commencing the mural.

So much of eagerness, the Muralist Davao is driven to turn the grime into a spic-and-span and spectacular site, fully inspired by the City’s rich culture, history, arts, food, people and tradition. The Davaoeños can proudly call this project “Tatak Davao.” At this moment, the project is on its final stage of completion and will soon be known as one of the scenic sites of Davao City.

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