Mabel Sunga Acosta

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Attending the Regular Session today, Ret. Major General Benito Antonio De Leon, who introduced himself as the City Council welcomes him being the new Chairperson of the Public Safety and Security Command.

He laid down the plans and programs of his office which include:
-the pursue of what is stipulated in the executive order issued by the City Government of Davao in the safety and security;
-taking a look at the security gaps in order to improve the safety of Davao;
-looking into the organizational aspect to provide coordinated mechanisms for the office;
-look into and address the lack of cctv cameras and personnels.

With the increase of visitors, tourists, politicians and influx of people in the city, there is also an increase of challenge for the team to provide maximum safety and security for the locals and visitors.

He also stated in his short speech that the security forces are "tripling" their efforts for the safety of the city and the people.

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